1010 DAYS AND NIGHTS - one-to-one sound installation
J. Koho
10, 11 & 12.9.2021
1010 Days and Nights one-to-one sound installation is based on the music of an album 1010 Days and Nights released by Ikuisuus (2020). With the exception of the album form, music on the album is not tied to any length. In this exhibition the duration of the sonic material is adjusted according to the wishes of each guest.
Minimalistic, repetitive drone music heard on the exhibition invite you to calm down and listen closely. Each of these tracks has a focus on sound and its different qualities such as pitch, timbre, texture, duration and location. Notes and synthesizer sounds are selected so that their combination creates a harmonious drone with a few simultaneous, simple and repetitive elements. Preset synthesizers sounds are sustained to reveal this inner life of each combination. In this process, listening can act as a sonic microscope. Something that at first might sound monotonous and dull starts to live when you give a closer listening to it. While listening to these reduced sound events you may notice your focus shift from one detail to another. Try to listen without any expectations, leave your likes and dislikes, just relax into it and hear what happens.
J. Koho works extensively (live concerts, performances, installations, listening pieces, works for radio, compositions, sound design and more) with sound.
How to visit the exhibition?
Please read the following visiting instructions carefully.
- In this exhibition number of visitors is limited to one person at a time.
- All visitors must book a personal visit time at least one day in advance.
- Booking is done by sending an email to: sahkotyyny(at)gmail(dot)com
Include in the email the following information:
* Your name
* Your wishes about the time of visit (date & time, see available times on the calendar)
* Name of the track you want to listen (Audio samples: https://ikuisuus.bandcamp.com/album/1010-days-and-nights)
* The desired duration of the chosen track (0-20 minutes)
* You will receive a confirmation message of successful booking.
* The calendar will be updated constantly, please check the free times marked.
* Do not book a visit or come to the exhibition if you have the slightest feeling of flu.
* All visitors need to wear a face mask.
Please read the following visiting instructions carefully.
- In this exhibition number of visitors is limited to one person at a time.
- All visitors must book a personal visit time at least one day in advance.
- Booking is done by sending an email to: sahkotyyny(at)gmail(dot)com
Include in the email the following information:
* Your name
* Your wishes about the time of visit (date & time, see available times on the calendar)
* Name of the track you want to listen (Audio samples: https://ikuisuus.bandcamp.com/album/1010-days-and-nights)
* The desired duration of the chosen track (0-20 minutes)
* You will receive a confirmation message of successful booking.
* The calendar will be updated constantly, please check the free times marked.
* Do not book a visit or come to the exhibition if you have the slightest feeling of flu.
* All visitors need to wear a face mask.
The exhibition is part of Third Space open call selected projects for the year 2021 with the theme "Vulnerability, collaboration, exchanges", supported by Taike.
The exhibition is part of Third Space open call selected projects for the year 2021 with the theme "Vulnerability, collaboration, exchanges", supported by Taike.