In New Weave, Miki and Sébastien receive small audio snippets recorded and sent live by audience members with their cell phones. Raw audio material constantly flows in, unsettling the performers as they work to carve strange electronic beats and eerie screeches.
Please bring your mobile device to join the performance!
Miki Brunou
is a sound artist working in different mediums ranging from solo performances to theater and film sound design. He started his career collaborating with various Finnish underground musicians, mapping the outer limits of pop music before plunging into sound design and outré exercises in the field of electronic music. As an artist involved with varied aural experimentations, he specializes in extracting the accidental musicality from the by-products of various human activities, finding equal inspiration from lush harmonies and harsh noise.
Miki is currently doing MA programs at the Finnish Theatre Academy's Department of Lighting and Sound Design and Aalto University's Medialab.
Sébastien Piquemal
is a computer engineer, obsessively exploring the artistic capabilities of machines and seeking new ways to place human interaction at the core of live music. He is an experienced JavaScript, Python and PureData developer, and an active contributor to the open-source software community, leading various music-related projects such as WebPd (Pure Data patches in the web browser).
After several years working as a web developer for Finnish IT companies, he decided to dedicate himself fully to making music. Since then, he has been developing digital music instruments and generative music applications, using the power of emerging web technologies to engage directly with users and spectators.
His work has been shown at a number of international venues and conferences, such as ICMC, NordiCHI, CTM and NK Projekt, among others.