Suuri Harmonia
(Great Harmony)
One hour long drone, sound massage & big harmony from 7 different directions, both acoustic and electronic sources.
Analog synths, harmoniums, casios and so on.
Harmony is everywhere!
Antti Tolvi is a father, composer, performer, wanna be self-sufficiency, Taiji teacher and more. Born in 1977, lived his first 19 years in a farm located in the west coast of Finland. Then moved to City (Turku) where little by little the world started to open. He found his first wind instrument, didgeridoo. Then free jazz (saxophone in Rauhan Orkesteri 2001- to present) came to picture, but at the same time Indian classical music started to sound very interesting. Then a trip to Varanasi and studied Indian classical music. Next was nature and Taiji studies. After 10 years in Turku, he moved back to the countryside. Slowly from wild / chaos / free to more solo and minimalism world. Zen meditation came in. Children. Everything starts to come together. After 10 years back in countryside, everything starts from beginning. Didgeridoos sounds again great and interesting. Schlagers sounds better than ever, birds, wind, silence, harmony...
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5€ ticket.
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5€ ticket.