Timo Tuhkanen - "Little fantasy on the agreement of their"
Timo Tuhkanen is a composer and musician from the classical tradition dealing with new contexts, concepts & possibilities between classical music and contemporary art. For the Sound Room V he presents a short concert based on the lute pieces of Adrian Le Roy (1532 - 1598), performed in 19 equal temperament on electric guitar and electronics. |
Jukka Hautamäki
Hautamäki's sound performances are a microscopic research and study of electronic sounds. Live setup consists of DIY instruments, which he manipulates in real time by changing components and reconnecting circuits. Relationship between performativity and sound plays a significant role in the live performances. Music style is abstract ambient noise with a twist. Hautamäki is not composing and even rarely recording or publishing his music. The focus of his sound art practice is with live performances and workshops. Sound art for him is specially in relationship with time. Live setup electronics and wires have also aesthetical and conceptual values. |