As Tangible Horizons
Interactive Installation by Johannes Equizi
26 - 28.11.2021
"As tangible horizons" is an installation part of the ongoing project Primordi, a fictional society in which I research alternative ways humans could inhabit the planet, inspired by convivial and informal living environments.
In "As tangible horizons" I focused on the ways an audience could be involved into spatial narratives and be stimulated to imagine different lifestyle scenarios.
How does a storyline come to exist? What if the thresholds between the characters inside and outside the story start to blur? Does the making and remaking of living environments pass through the overlap of individual microcosms?
Such questions guided my spatial research towards the creation of a micro-macro landscape facilitating the swap of perspectives.
In the exhibition, visitors can interact with the installation made out of drawings, models, writings and tools and through it start outlining their own stories.
I believe that when different scenarios, imagined by individuals, are collectively shared and experienced, they start acquiring some sort of more tangible and recognizable dimension and hopefully trigger new gestures and conversations.
Johannes Equizi was always fascinated by the act of creating fictional narratives, from micro-daily habits to worldwide systems. With an architectural background, graduate from the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague, his research interests linger over themes of collective emancipation, interstitial irregularities and the way humans dwell environments. He believes in the reciprocal unfolding of affinities as a way to trigger, beyond institutional frames, alternative human and extra-human relations.
Johannes Equizi continuously overlaps different mediums - from writing over welding to performances and storytelling - to create installations helping the public to imagine how things could be otherwise. At the moment he is reflecting on the possibilities of ‘social imagination’ as a critical process of mediation with reality - reality as given and reality in the making. How do we construct the limits to what is possible, within us, in our collective imagination? Such questions, within his cross-disciplinary research, are guiding and shaping Johannes Equizi’s practice.