Libellula Project launching event
26.11 – 11.12.2015
Facebook event:
28.11 – 11.12.2015
Gallery will be open everyday from 11:00 until 21:00, you are welcome to visit us.
28.11 – 11.12.2015
Gallery will be open everyday from 11:00 until 21:00, you are welcome to visit us.
28.11, Saturday, 18:00. Arms trade: Screening of The Lab, 2013, (60 min.) documentary by Yotam Feldman. An investigative documentary revealing how the Israeli military occupation in Palestine has become a business rather than a burden. 29.11, Sunday, 18:00. No Deportations: Presentation of the work of the Free Movement Network (Vapaa Liikkuvuus) and about the current situation of asylum politics in Finland by Aino Korvensyrjä. And a Presentation of the campaign by refugees and asylum seekers in Finland. 30.11– 2.12. Monday - Wednesday. The dangers of molds and toxins in our indoor air: Luottokamat (Things I trust), 2015, photography project by Irja Luostarinen. Screenings on Monday 30th and Wednesday 2nd starting at 16.00: Mycotoxicosis, 2013, (13 min.) documentary by Haidi Motola The Authority of Words- Conversations with my Work Doctor, 2013, (31 min.) documentary by Gabriel de la Cruz Domus Perkele, 2012, (27 min.) documentary by Ilkka Kilpeläinen, produced by Yle. Kanarianlinnut, 2015, (78 min.) documentary by Jari Kokko. On Wednesday the screenings will be followed by a discussion: The ‘mold problem’ as a taboo and the different ways of censorship and hiding. Speakers: Jari Kokko, Gabriel de la Cruz, Juha Laatikainen, Irja Luostarinen, Anna Broms and Ilkka Kilpeläinen. 3.12, Thursday, 18:00. Environmental disasters and global mining: “No time for nature, Impact of mining industry in Finland & globally' The discussion will focus on mining. Insights on the situation in Finland and in a global scale, concentrating on the current events in Brazil, Canada, Madagascar and South East Asia. During the event we will show excerpt of Liinu Grönlund's film about Madagascar's forests related to the problems of mining. Speakers: Liinu Grönlund, artist and filmaker. Sami Keto is an activist-researcher and one of the organizers of the Savonlinna Nature Film Festival. Otto Bruun, works as a conservation specialist (currently on study leave) at FANC and as a volunteer for Siemenpuu's Mekong group. Titta Lassila works as a development cooperation coordinator at Finnish association for nature conservation (FANC) and also as volunteer for Indonesia groups at Siemenpuu Foundation |
4.12. Friday, 18:00. Anti-racism! The anti-refugees assemblies organized by different xenophobic groups during the last weeks brought to light an issue that has been for a long time underestimated in Finland. Racism and intolerance are growing issues which are helping the rise of neo fascists groups all over Europe. For the mainstream media and right-wing parties the immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees have become the cause of the many problems of the globalized society. Presentation of: Photos and videos from the demonstration organized against the anti-refugees assemblies Moughtareb, 2014, (7min.) Greece, documentary by Stephanos Mangriotis and Lucile Gruntz Europa Incha’alla, 2011, Greece, photography by Stephanos Mangriotis Stories of Intolerance, photography by Filippo Zambon Discussion: Iina Juva – activist Mikael Kinnunen – artist and a representative of the student union Minna Seikkula – researcher and activist 5.12, Saturday, 16:00. Palestine, the ongoing occupation: Presentation of the works: The neighbour before the house, 2009, Palestine, documentary by CAMP Collective Smile, and the World Will Smile Back, 2014, Hebron, Palestine, (20 min.) documentary by al-Haddad family, Ehab Tarabieh and Yoav Gross, produced by b’Tselem. Waiting for Salah al-Din, 2001, Palestine, (53 min.) documentary by Tawfik Abu Wael Obliterated Families, 2014-2015, Gaza, photography and videos by Anne Paq/Activestills 6.12. Sunday, 18:00. Nationalism and colonialism: Along history the methods for subjugating people and their freedom have transformed. The current economical and political situation though, shows that our lives are still under the control of neo-colonialist interests. Screening of The battle of Algiers, 1966, by Gillo Pontecorvo 7.12 Je Ne Suis Pas Charlie (I am not Charlie), 2015, France, (55 min.) documentary by Max Blumenthal and James Kleinfeld. The directors will be present for Q&A after the screening. 8.12, Tuesday, 18:00. Art and activism: To create is to resist, to resist is to create. – Gilles Deleuze. What is the difference between doing political art and doing art politically? Presentation of the works and discussion by the artists: JP Kaljonen Johanna Raekallio Minna Henriksson 10.12. Thursday, 18:00. Syria through the lens of Abounaddara collective: Abounaddara is a collective of self-taught and volunteer filmmakers involved in emergency cinema. Since the beginning of the people’s uprising and through all it’s evolvements, the collective has been fighting to show a different reality than the one showed by the mainstream media. |
11.12. Friday, 18:00. Closing party!