Heikki Lindgren & Ville Westerlund
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Nowadays people and media tend to talk about refugee crisis describing refugees as a wave, stream or an anonymous mass of people without faces. People in receiving countries have many doubts, fears and prejudices. We concentrate easily on what makes us different.
But what do we a have in common?
What if you had the chance to listen to one individual story, just a monologue answering the questions like how was your childhood? What dreams did you have? What are the happiest moments in your life? What are your dreams for the future? You might get surprised about how similar things we dream of, independent of the cultural background.
During 18 and 19 of January you have a chance to come to Third Space: every half an hour starting at 17:00 ending at 20:00, listen to a Syrian refugee, a wife and a mother, answering these questions in a recorded 12 minutes monologue. Just a story of one person in contrast to a "refugee wave". In between and on the background of the monologues there is minimal ambient played live so feel free to pop in at any moment and wait for the story to begin.
On Thursday 19.1. ambient musician Janne Kalewi Uusiniemi will join as guest artist to create soundscapes for the audio installation.
Heikki Lindgren is a sound artist from Helsinki. He creates soundscapes for video art using field recordings and also plays in ambient/electronic groups. The current sound installation "One of the multitude" is created from an interview of a Syrian woman recorded in refugee reception center, mixed with minimal soundscape played live.
Ville Westerlund is Helsinki based motion designer and multimedia artist. He has been working on wide range of different medias and projects from art installations to commercial animation productions. In "One of the multitude"-installation he is responsible for the visuals and created video loop based on the sounds and interview. Video explores subject through driftwoods, waves, isolation, nature, macroworld, order and disorder.