Piracy as a Business Force
Manuela Unverdorben
Special feature: Ralf Homann & Manuela Unverdorben: Leichte Prise Freiheit (Light Prize of Freedom)
4 - 29.9.2015
Opening 4.9.2015, Radio Picnic by Ralf Homann
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1483021988682863/
Piracy as a Business Force is an ongoing research project on the Interconnection of piracy and capitalism and why the figure of the pirate is still haunting popular imagination.
While plunder and commerce were interchangeable in early imperialist ventures, later the safety of the oceans and maritime trade became the preconditions for our present-day global markets. The pirate is the paradigmatic romantic outlaw hero, nourishing popular myths of adventure and dissident practices, fantasies of rebellion and freedom. How did a common robber come to acquire such an aura of glamour? Or was (and is) the pirate much more an exemplary capitalist entrepreneur?
(Funded by Erwin und Gisela von Steiner-Stiftung)
Leichte Prise Freiheit
Piracy of the Ether: An additional part of the exhibition is a radio installation broadcasting a sound piece on the first pirate radio ships in Great Britain. Superficially representing youth counter-culture and pop-glamour, the story behind it much more points to its libertarian roots: Radio Atlanta and the Institute for Economic Affairs (IEA), later significantly influencing the political agenda of Margaret Thatcher, shared the same financial and intellectual founder. For the IEA, radio and its pop-culture was just a means to attack the idea of collectivity.
(Funded by City of Munich, Art Scholarship)
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1483021988682863/
Piracy as a Business Force is an ongoing research project on the Interconnection of piracy and capitalism and why the figure of the pirate is still haunting popular imagination.
While plunder and commerce were interchangeable in early imperialist ventures, later the safety of the oceans and maritime trade became the preconditions for our present-day global markets. The pirate is the paradigmatic romantic outlaw hero, nourishing popular myths of adventure and dissident practices, fantasies of rebellion and freedom. How did a common robber come to acquire such an aura of glamour? Or was (and is) the pirate much more an exemplary capitalist entrepreneur?
(Funded by Erwin und Gisela von Steiner-Stiftung)
Leichte Prise Freiheit
Piracy of the Ether: An additional part of the exhibition is a radio installation broadcasting a sound piece on the first pirate radio ships in Great Britain. Superficially representing youth counter-culture and pop-glamour, the story behind it much more points to its libertarian roots: Radio Atlanta and the Institute for Economic Affairs (IEA), later significantly influencing the political agenda of Margaret Thatcher, shared the same financial and intellectual founder. For the IEA, radio and its pop-culture was just a means to attack the idea of collectivity.
(Funded by City of Munich, Art Scholarship)
About the artists:
Manuela Unverdorben’s work is mainly research-based, developing actions and projects that are examining a region between history and politics, symbolic representation and possibilities of intervention. One focus of her work is to follow up how administrative and organizational structures interfere in concrete life situations and how these structures can be adaptable depending on the dominant modes of political and social control. She is interested in the managing of such transformations on a symbolic or linguistic level and how they are transferred into everyday life by combining facts and fiction, working mostly in collaborative projects. http://manuelaunverdorben.de/ http://www.bttp-network.org/ |
Ralf Homann's work deals with spatial concepts and with such of the media while also reflecting upon their interdependency. He is interested in activating the public space by means of performative practices. In his works, which are constantly negotiating the boundaries of art and politics, he investigates knowledge – its hidden narrative or invisible design – to engender new perspectives on reality and its representations. Homann works mostly within and on collaborative or activistic contexts as these constitute the basis of his understanding of the public realm. While operating in various media forms, a strong series of his works focuses on radio. He also applies sound or transmissions to his sculptures thereby folding physical and digital spaces. http://ralfhomann.info/ http://www.bttp-network.org/ |