{RUNO - KOE} - Vol. II - // T e r r i t o r i e s
5.9.2018 @ 17:00 - 20:00
The Experimental Poetry Room comes back to Third Space’s neighborhood!
Welcome to immerse your being in the poetic territories of collectivity and memories.
5.9.2018 @ 17:00 - 20:00
FB event: https://www.facebook.com/events/253294538851465/
U n a t t a i n a b l e M a p s
a n d
R e c o r t e s // L e i k k a u k s e t // B o d i e s
Through video-photo-poetry-collage, we can all connect with the collective memory of a continent of current political moment and with an identity that is still being shaped.
“This is a new and at the same time old body. It is built from what we left behind, what was taken away from us and what it is still being taken away from us. The scars are everywhere, but the body still holds itself together, through our collectivity. There is something being built, on top of this rugged, imperfect and uneven territory”.
L a C o l e c t i v a
During this happening you are welcome to contribute with Third Space and its fundraising for the sustainability of the gallery. Bring your coins and exchange them for delicious edible poems: vegan delicacies and more surprises will be served.