Camille Auer
6-11.2.2020 @ 12:00 - 18:00
February 6—11 2020, open 12—18 every day.
No opening reception, just come when you have time to watch and listen to the work. Camille Auer: Seepage The outer limits of a body are porous. Touching a table, at the contact point, you can't tell which exact atom belongs to the toucher and which to the touched. We continuously seep into our surroundings and they seep into us. Affects seep through us, desire, despair, boredom. Abject seeps through us, sweat, tears, dandruff. Electrons are the outermost particles of an atom. They have a negative magnetic charge, they repulse each other. They can never be in contact. All matter consists of them. Nothing touches anything. The whole biosphere is in the same atmosphere. A continuum of molecules. Everything touches everything. Time is a border, a boundary we lean on to. It bends around us, future seeping into past, past into future, presence a fluctuating surface between, rippled with memory and dreams. There's no presence in a landscape, a landscape is presence. A singular, optical, continuous viewpoint is anthropocentric. Our understanding of what is not us begins at what is us. What of us is already not us. This seepage matters, it shows us the outside inside the outside. This is an ASMR-video about presence and grooming the surfaces of a human. Binaural sound will bring you close and take you far. Camille Auer is an artist, writer and performer from Turku. She works with sound, words, moving image and direct action. Her subject matter is the friction and diffraction that takes place in and between micro and macro realities, subject and object formation, matter and meaning, and marginalised individuals in an oppressive society. The artist is supported by Arts Promotion Centre Finland. *** Seepage is part of Third Space's 6th anniversary interdisciplinary program *** |
6 -11.2., avoinna joka päivä 12-18.
Ei avajaisia, tulkaa kun ehditte katsoa ja kuunnella teosta. Camille Auer: Tihkuminen Kehon ääri on huokoinen. Koskettaessa pöydän pintaa, ei voida tarkkaan määritellä, mitkä atomit kuuluvat sille, joka koskee, mitkä sille, jota kosketaan. Tihkumme ympäristöömme ja ympäristö tihkuu meihin. Affektit tihkuvat lävitsemme, intohimo, epätoivo, tylsyys. Abjekti tihkuu lävitsemme, hiki, kyyneleet, hilse. Elektronit ovat atomin uloimpia partikkeleita. Niillä on negatiivinen magneettinen varaus, ne hylkivät toisiaan. Ne eivät voi koskaan koskea toisiinsa. Kaikki koostuu niistä. Mikään ei koskaan koske mihinkään. Koko biosfääri on saman ilmakehän sisällä. Sen molekyylien kautta kaikki koskee kaikkeen. Aika on pinta, raja jota vasten nojaamme. Se taipuu ympärillemme, tulevaisuus tihkuu menneisyyteen, menneisyys tulevaisuuteen. Nykyhetki väreilee niiden välillä, muistoista ja haaveista. Maisemassa ei ole läsnäoloa. Maisema on läsnäolo. Yksittäinen, jatkuva, optinen näkökulma on ihmiskeskeinen. Ymmärryksemme siitä, mitä emme ole, alkaa siitä, mitä olemme. Mikä meissä ei ole meitä. Tämä tihkuminen näyttää meille ulkopuolen ulkopuolen sisäpuolelta. Tämä on ASMR-video läsnäolosta, nykyisyydestä ja ihmisen pintojen huoltamisesta. Binauraalinen ääni tuo lähelle ja vie kauas. Camille Auer on turkulainen taiteilija, kirjoittaja ja esiintyjä, jota kiinnostaa kitka, taipuminen ja hajoaminen, sekä transvallankumous. Ääni, teksti, liikkuva kuva ja suora toiminta ovat hänen työvälineitään. Taiteilijan työskentelyä tukee Taiteen edistämiskeskus. |
In 2020 Third Space celebrates its 6th anniversary with an interdisciplinary program revolving around the complex theme of collaboration. Seepage by Camille Auer is the first exhibition we are glad to present.
Our program consists of a variety of projects realized together with artists, writers, scholars, and educators —not forgetting the audience and other artist-run and non-commercial organizers. The upcoming events will take on various forms, including exhibitions, performances, workshops, and discussions. While inhabiting and negotiating the framework of collaboration, some approaches also work through specific concepts and contexts such as lines/borders, community, host/guest, theory/action, time/space, encounter/dis-encounter, and failure.
Information on the specific events will be posted gradually on our website and social media channels, stay tuned!
In addition to the anniversary event calendar, our 6th year will result in a publication first released online and later as a printed edition. This publication will tackle the past, the present, and the future of Third Space exploring but questions on collaboration, also on what is (an artist-run) space. Who gets to access and use the space? What gets to be presented? How can we invent new, better ways of collaborating, curating, thinking, and doing? What does space have to do with concepts like distance/proximity; intimacy, encounter, and (re)presentation?
The publication, constellated together with our collaborators, will feature written (in English) and visual, possibly even auditory contributions.