Martínez, México 1986.
The work of Martinez is articulated in the multidisciplinary, having as main interest the space, context, the uses and practices via the personal emplacement. The critic eye and an acid humor is part of its personal statement. In a constant dialogue between the stablished and the nonsense, the rationality and le non dit. The emergency as the only state of creation. The pure nihilism within an urge for the tridimensionality, the installation, the object, aesthetic devices and the document. Sound Room 666 The Human Device on a Lo-Fi Quality Is an alternative project that aims to question the sociability by pushing it to the edges between work and leisure. The borders of illegality. Understanding Music as a bridge that communicates and weaves sound as pretexts for empathy. This empathy that lays on the popular culture and street knowledge. The drunken stories, a hangover. The pirate copies, The Quinceañera party. The black market, street sellers. Robbed in the metro. The sabbath. A party in the hood. Your hood, any hood. |